All RCE games that I know of are free to play, however, unless you want to do the exact same thing every day for weeks or months, you need to deposit some real life cash into the game. Actually the way you have to go about playing these games is MAKING IT YOUR BUSINESS!!! If you don't play the game like it's your actual real life business, you will go under in no time.
In an RCE game, you can't just do whatever you want and not have any consequences for it. You can't go out and buy this epic weapon that cost 90% of what ever game currency you currently have. You have to think about your actions before you do them, even when it comes down to mining or crafting.
EVERYTHING COST MONEY!!! Being in a Real Cash Economy has a huge advantage AND disadvantage. If your smart, or a great con artist, you can make a killing in these types of games. The strong disadvantage is the competition, everyone in that game is there to "survive".
Need more ammo for your weapon, or repair the endurance on your sword? That cost REAL MONEY also. Literally EVERYTHING will cost money. So how do you play the game without loosing money? PLAY SMART! I can not stress that enough! When you go hunting monsters, KNOW what monsters you want to hunt. KNOW what loot is in demand RIGHT THEN and go hunt the monsters that drop that loot.
So basically, if your going to play an RCE game, you HAVE to be at least efficient in being able to know the market, or how to find out what items are selling for a good price at that time. Below I'm going to leave an example on how make more money than you loose while playing an RCE game.
So by hunting dragons for their drops (Dragon Claws), you are going to be making a rounded 10% profit (sometimes a monster might drop more than 1 of the same item, but also might not drop any). That's going to be paying for your ammo to hunt, AND give you profit.
Now when you hunt, you also need to keep in mind you weapon and armor durability... It cost real money to repair those items. Always try and make at leas a 5% profit from anything that you hunt so that it also covers your repair costs when the time comes to do so.
This just about covers the basics of an RCE game, I'll end up making a page containing what VERY few RCE games that there are. There are actually more browser based RCE (basically text based) games than graphical, interactive ones. Although the browser based games do present a better no deposit profit.
I hope you guys enjoyed my explanation of what an RCE is, be sure to check back in tomorrow for more updates!
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